Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Ernst and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0.0185%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 9620
MD5 Code: 35ee57eb41a63d4b53194ab9cd2651cd
SHA1 Code: 0eff98407357ad2da37451fa7b02938335c6c45c

Name Frequency
Ernst Theodorus 0.0007%
Ernst Theodoris 0.0004%
Ernst Marco 0.0004%
Ernst Carl 0.0004%
Ernst Johann 0.0004%
Ernst Gustav 0.0004%
Ernst Floris 0.0004%
Ernst Zane 0.0004%
Ernst Claudette 0.0004%
Ernst Heinrich 0.0002%
Ernst Henry 0.0002%
Ernst Fritz 0.0002%
Ernst Gabriel 0.0002%
Ernst Khumo 0.0002%
Ernst Jacobus 0.0002%
Ernst Jan 0.0002%
Ernst Beverley 0.0002%
Ernst Bm 0.0002%
Ernst Adalbert 0.0002%
Ernst Edrean 0.0002%
Ernst Christo 0.0002%
Ernst Claudia 0.0002%
Ernst Charlton 0.0002%
Ernst Stefan 0.0002%
Ernst Reynard 0.0002%
Ernst Rolf 0.0002%
Ernst Ronelle 0.0002%
Ernst Walter 0.0002%
Ernst Werner 0.0002%
Ernst Marcel 0.0002%
Ernst Liezel 0.0002%
Ernst Lionel 0.0002%
Ernst Orffer 0.0002%
Ernst Pieter 0.0002%