Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Harold and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0.0173%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 8996
MD5 Code: 52e10d8b23b93b7467296125130aafa7
SHA1 Code: b298e4f1b3d5e07738372f84574d82bc17f05def

Name Frequency
Harold Collin 0.0004%
Harold Gary 0.0002%
Harold Godfrey 0.0002%
Harold Julian 0.0002%
Harold Kgoloko 0.0002%
Harold James 0.0002%
Harold Joh 0.0002%
Harold Joe 0.0002%
Harold Abigale 0.0002%
Harold Arthur 0.0002%
Harold Don 0.0002%
Harold Erica 0.0002%
Harold Sehlabane 0.0002%
Harold Simthembile 0.0002%
Harold Samantha 0.0002%
Harold Robin 0.0002%
Harold Roshini 0.0002%
Harold Tumelo 0.0002%
Harold Vaughn 0.0002%
Harold Xolani 0.0002%
Harold Timothy 0.0002%
Harold Marlon 0.0002%
Harold Manfred 0.0002%
Harold Nthato 0.0002%
Harold Neil 0.0002%