Name Statistics South Africa


Here are some statistics concerning the first name Roestoff and a list of some of the the most common names in South Africa that contain it.

Frequency: 0%
Approximate number of South Africans that have this first name: 0
MD5 Code: 77b3ea4e22cc376f769951e5146f5b38
SHA1 Code: a0e45e60f18c59a143f2624e3bb587f25a9cdf28

Name Frequency
Roestoff Jolene 0.0002%
Roestoff Antonette 0.0002%
Roestoff Christa 0.0002%
Roestoff Riaan 0.0002%
Roestoff Puleng 0.0002%
Roestoff Tasha 0.0002%
Roestoff Marius 0.0002%
Roestoff Michelle 0.0002%
Roestoff Pieter 0.0002%
Roestoff Neo 0.0002%